Top 7 ways to celebrate National Pet Month with your Pooch!
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March 23, 2019

Go Camping
Grab your tent and your best friend and head for the great outdoors. It’ll soon be warm enough to camp (we promise) and if you introduce your dog to the joy of life under the stars now, you can go throughout the summer too! There are loads of dog-friendly campsites all over the UK – a great, cost-effective way to travel with your dog. Just make sure you chose a tent big enough!
Doggy Play Date
Arrange to meet a friend who also owns a dog in your local park so the two of them can enjoy each other’s companies and play games. Spring is the ideal time for socialising outside with freshly mown grass and (hopefully) oodles of sunshine!
For first time play dates, we recommend reading our blog on how to introduce your dog to visiting dogs.
Beach Day
Most beaches allow dogs until Easter so make the most of this time and take your dog on a day trip to the seaside. Dog’s love the freedom that comes with running along the beach and swimming in the sea. Expect lots of salty kisses by way of appreciation!
Garden Obstacle Course
Set up an obstacle course in your back garden – your dog will love the challenge! A tunnel your dog can run through, or an old tyre to jump through and some suitable items to jump over is all you need. Give your dog lots of praise and a treat when they complete the course.
Set a Challenge
Now is the ideal time to set yourself a fitness goal to achieve by the end of summer. Maybe you’d like to run a 5k race, be fit enough to climb Mount Snowdon or just walk for a few hours without feeling out of breath? Whatever your goal, start training with your dog now and have the satisfaction of conquering the challenge together!
Want to take up running with your dog? Then have a look at our 8 top tips for running with your dog.
Easter Hunt
Why not organise your dog a Easter hunt (obviously not with chocolate eggs though!) Food is obviously treasure where dog’s are concerned so it’s really just a case of hiding tasty treats around your home and garden. If you’ve never done this before you’ll be amazed how much fun your dog will have sniffing out the goodies!
Eat Alfresco
Everyone loves eating alfresco when the weather is nice – dogs included. Why not go on a picnic, have a BBQ or eat outside at a restaurant or café and include your dog? It really is as simple as packing them some food and water. The more day-to-day activities you can involve your dog in, the stronger your bond will be.
Will you be doing anything special with your dog this Spring? We’d love to hear your plans!